Embrace NOT erase, don’t hate appreciate
You won’t solve any problems with unfounded hate
Injustice, entitlement; they get in the way
Why can’t we work for peace and equality?
We are all human, diverse in many good ways
No matter opinion of how you are raised
Respect everyone’s individuality
Bringing Together you and me
For the next generation, we should change the situation
By starting to have a bunch of big conversations
Between communities, provinces and every nation
It’s the only way we’ll achieve liberation
I just don’t get why, why they say those things about me
Nasty things about my sex, age, ability
Don’t understand me, but we can all agree
you do you and I’ll do me
Music by: Mary Abdel-Malek Neil and Jeff Cowell
Produced by: Jeff Cowell and Mary Abdel-Malek Neil
Performed by: Mary Abdel-Malek Neil (vocals), Jeff Cowell (guitar/bass/synth)