I'm Who I Am Album Liner Notes
This album is a collection of music created in community.
Here are the stories behind the songs…
What's the I’m Who I Am Album About Anyway?
This album brings together a range of diverse voices speaking about issues in our community, new and old.
Our story is a shared one.
I’m Who I Am is part of a conversation about what it means to live as part of a community in the ever changing world.
*Album Photo by Jeff Cowell
I’m Who I Am
Different voices from different walks of life
For the Next Generation
Words from our youth for those to come
Earth Lullaby
An intercultural story of sustainability
For the Weary
Fighting for the right to rest safe tonight
Stand your Ground
When laws perpetuate injustice
Nazar of Fellah Mengu
A musical, multicultural celebration
Lifted High
People are dying on our benches
We are Strong People (Shabbu al-kifah)
Finding home after you’ve left it
Take Me Home
“Coming to Canada wasn’t easy”
In the Same House
We all are looking for the same house
We acknowledge the generous support of the Canada Council of the Arts and the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund without which this album could not have happened.
Think we could work together?
Interested in bringing a fun, educational, musical experience to your organization or community? Contact me to design an experience for your needs!